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Kenneth and Margaret talk about about their wedding plans. Margaret had hoped that they could go to her parents' cottage at Stony Lake for their honeymoon. They went to Gull Lake instead, where Kenneth's father had rented a cottage. Margaret wanted…

Kenneth reads from his journal that on Oct. 16, 1927 his weight is 138 lbs, and he wrote to Margaret about it, joking that she now could marry him and he would look the best that he ever would.

Kenneth recalls Ann Wilson meeting him after class, and she gave him a note. She confided in him about her problems with a man she had met and the family troubles she had.

Kenneth talks about finishing his book sale in November 1925. His parents visited him and he took his mother for a tour of campus and to dinner while his father went his own way.

Kenneth continues on his parents' visit. They were planning to travel further East, and Kenneth wasn't sure they would come back his way, so he took them on another visit to the house of Billy Irwin, Kenneth's roomate.

Kenneth reads about his letter to Margaret about his Christmas visit plans to Chicago. He couldn't wait to see her again.

Kenneth recalls being told by the doctor that he had low blood pressure because of hard work. He laughed at the doctor's comment that Kenneth had the sickness but lacked the symptoms. 

Kenneth recalls his mother's visit while he was in Princeton. He tells about their visit to his church and time together around the time and their trip to New York. From there she was to catch a train back home.

Kenneth tells how on January 6 he went downtown to buy a wedding ring for Margaret. He found the one that looked right for Margaret and sent it to her, asking her to try it and see if she liked it or send it back to him if she didn't.

As required, Kenneth was to preach for students and faculty. He was nervous but got a good report from his professor of homiletics.

Kenneth tells about how often Margaret would suggest that they just be friends. He remembers three such occasions, but Kenneth wouldn't settle for this--"Well, you can't do that with me."

When it came to procuring a marriage license in Wheaton, Kenneth learned it could be done the day of the wedding, and that only one of them needed to appear.

In January (six months before their wedding) Kenneth wrote Margaret that their first address was to be 21 Edwards Place, Princeton, NJ. Kenneth was always way ahead of time in his plans.

Kenneth discusses with Margaret about the use of their money and the money they had saved. They had disagreements over this, which Kenneth saw as a classic example of misunderstandings over finances. 

Kenneth worked regularly for Robert Dick Wilson, with little sleep but he never really felt tired. He considered it a privilege to work with Wilson, who also loved working with Kenneth. Wilson would save special projects for Kenneth, knowing that he…

Kenneth describes the Wright family he had come to know well and spent a lot of time with. They were the finest people Kenneth had ever known. Kenneth and the Wrights became good friends through the years. 

Kenneth and Margaret didn't see each other from the fall of 1924 to the summer of 1926, when they got married. Kenneth wanted to get married a year earlier, and he believed he could support her. They frequently wrote letters to each other during…

Kenneth reads a March 17 letter on putative plans for the wedding and honeymoon.

Margaret reads a letter from Adelle about wedding invitations, date and time. Adelle was offering to pay for the invitations. Adelle suggested that the wedding be planned for commencement day at 6:00 pm, June 16. 

More on wedding plans: evening or afternoon, decoration of the church, ushers, cost of invitation, bridesmaids. Elliot Coleman, the poet who later would found the Writing Seminar at Johns Hopkins University, was the organist of the wedding.

College Chapel (later Pierce Chapel) was now formally secured for the wedding on June 16. The time was definitely set at 6:00 pm.

Margaret told Muriel detailed information about the wedding and she went out to tell the town, at Margaret's disappointment. Muriel wouldn't also welcome any suggestion about choosing the color of her bridesmaid costume.

Margaret reads a letter from Adelle describing the mess in the home as people were working on preparation for the wedding (painting, etc.). The letter discussed several plans and arrangements for the wedding and the bridesmaids' dresses.

Kenneth and Margaret went to Chicago for dinner after the wedding. Margaret was so upset that she couldn't eat. Kenneth paid the bill, left a tip, and the two of them went to spend their first night in a hotel room in the city.

Kenneth gives a dramatic rendition of "Romeo and Juliet." He used to play it with his balalaika.
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