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When Kenneth was a student at Wheaton, there were Gospel teams, and Kenneth joined one. The team would go out to testify in big black churches and white churches, and one church they visited was the Christian Science Church right there in Wheaton.…

Kenneth speaks of the three books he has written. All of them were "primary studies" that had never been made before. Siam in Transition was a seminal study that all subsequent studies had to begin with, "whether they liked it or not." His second…

Kenneth was going to fly to Hanoi, so he went to the airport but found no one there. He waited for hours before General Salan showed up, well fed and smelling of wine. The plane took off and Kenneth tried to have a conversation with the General. He…

Kenneth had been working for several years, off and on, on a book about an American adventurer named Walter Gibson. Gibson had gotten crosswise with the Dutch, and they had thrown him into a prison called Weldebreton. He had been tried for various…

Kenneth recalls a story in which he was going to a dinner party with Malcolm MacDonald. Kip asked where he was going all dressed up, and Kenneth explained he would be attending a dinner for work. His son was shocked to hear he'd be going out to…

When Kenneth was a student at the University of Chicago under A. Eustace Haydon, he was "a very conservative Calvinist" and Haydon was one of the two leading humanist philosophers in the U.S. Kenneth would challenge Haydon's premises, which Haydon…

Kenneth details the loyalty of his employees. Eleanor Idol, the librarian, and Bob Bazell, Kenneth's right hand man in administration, both said that they loved working with Kenneth. They explained to him that they wanted to continue working with him…

Kenneth discusses a conversation he had with Colonel Charles Hostler. Hostler was explaining to Kenneth that he brought his own destruction by not complying with the military. Kenneth told Hostler that he was quite satifsfied and proud of the job he…

Kenneth retells the story of his encounter with Prime Minister Sarit. This includes that, while traveling in 1960, he was personally invited to breakfast with Sarit. Again, he tells of Sarit speaking highly of him and recounting their dinner in which…

Kip says he has never seen a picture of Bradley, and Carol and Kenneth tell of the pictures down in the basement there at 4711. Some show him in a military uniform, even one with a monocle he got after Kenneth had given him a watch.

Kenneth tells of his 1966 trip to Southeast Asia which would be his last. The Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) was trying to gather information in order that we might bomb the Ho Chi Minh trail. Kenneth was under strict orders, yet the…

In Washington Kenneth was given a nice big office in the Triangle Building. Kenneth was the first substantive employee of the Office of the Coordinator of Information, he says, which later became the OSS, and then the CIA. "I am regarded as one of…

Kenneth tells of his first encounter with General Lyman Lemnitzer. At this point he was a two star General. Kenneth spoke quite boldly to Lemnitzer, explaining to him that he would be funding even when the General may have opposed the plan.

Kenneth's first class in the seminar had sixty officers, thirty going to Southeast Asia and thirty going to Latin America--a twist Kenneth had to deal with right before the start of the class. Kenneth had decided to give quite a bit of material to…

Kenneth delivered another set of lectures on Oriental philosophy at Yale University. This, along with the Taft lectures, drew the attention of the editor of The Journal of Philosophy at Columbia University, who made Kenneth his principal reviewer on…

Kenneth received a call from Walt Rostow in January of 1962. Walt had a job that was of interest to Kenneth. This job was to establish a seminar to fight communist insurgency. The seminar was under the highest presidential directive and would be for…

A story from Kenneth's childhood. It was fall, and very wintry, and very cold, but his brother, Bradley, wanted to go canoeing. To begin with, Bradley sat in the rear and Kenneth sat in the front. They paddled a number of miles before they decided to…

After the British-Thai negotiations ended in Bangkok, Kenneth travelled over to Saigon and called on the High Commissioner, who was Admiral Georges Thierry d'Argenlieu. He had been sent out by DeGaulle. The Admiral gave Kenneth a nice lunch, with a…

Kenneth tells of how many Presidents he has met (of the U.S.). He tells of the times he has met them, including encounters with Roosevelt, Truman, Nixon, Eisenhower (perhaps), and Kennedy. He also comments on the various likes or dislikes he has for…

Starting in 1965, Kenneth began work as a professor at American University while also remaining a full-time employee of the State Department. At the end of that year, he retired from the State Department, moving full-time to work at American…

Kenneth speaks of his office and the various other offices in his building. He discusses the view and varying other aspects of his office. 

Kenneth tells of his experience flying in a C-54, which was a propeller plane. After flying on this sort of plane for a few days, he seemed to continue hearing the propellers. Those planes made an awful racket. The stops were fairly frequent because…

Kenneth describes the role of religion within the political realm. He was the first to present a paper on the role of Buddhism in Southeast Asia--this event occured in the 1950's. Kenneth says it was because of him that a religious advisor was…

In 1945, Kenneth traveled out to Thailand for the British-Thai negotiations, and one of his first trips out of Bangkok was to Cambodia. Kenneth tells of his travel with his escort guards, how it took several hours to drive through a marching Japanese…

Kenneth was the first political officer FE ever had who had lived in Southeast Asia and spoke a Southeast Asian language. Up to that time, all matters regarding Souteast Asia had been dealt with by the Europeans, and the FE had to nod their heads and…
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