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Peggy tells of the birth of her new sibling. She also recalls the house-hunting process in which, when they found their house, they simply knew it was the right one!

Peggy tells of the summer of 1942 in which the Landons moved to Washington. Margaret would join them a little later, as she stayed behind to take care of the moving and packing.

Peggy tells of the time the Landons lived in Indiana. She tells of the house they lived in and recalls the mahogany desk which she remembers her mother sitting and writing.

Peggy tells of finding out that she was to have another sibling. Margaret was shocked to find that Peggy and Bill were quite excited at the prospect of a new baby.

Peggy and Margaret tell of how they acquired a fine piano. The piano was a Steinway grand piano, and when Margaret caught wind of it being for sale at a reasonable price, she went ahead and bought it! 

Kenneth tells how he asked Margaret to marry him back in 1924. Kenneth was working at a restaurant and was saving money to buy an engagement ring for Margaret. He bought an expensive ring, but the problem was that Margaret didn't seem to want to be…

The cowboy evangelist tried to seduce Mrs. Ousley, who had become a Christian at his meetings. She had many problems in her marriage and was considering divorce. Margaret was shocked when Mrs. Ousley, who was a friend of hers, told her about the…

Kenneth remembers Mrs. D'Armant Minium, a very buxom woman with plump arms and a voice like cream. At age sixteen she became curious about having a baby, and so she had one, and then she disposed it somehow. Mae never forgave her for the baby,…

Adelle and the girls went for dinner on New Year's day. They stayed for a concert and then went on to call on the McShanes. Mr. McShane revealed to Adelle the plans for Balanchard Hall and other renovation projects.

Margaret recalls Russell Graves who was very nice to Evangeline, but the Mortenson family had the feeling that they were country cousins. Margaret eventually found out many years later that Russell had made his home in Washington, D.C., but he had…

Miss McCabe, Kenneth's Sunday School teacher, wanted all her boys to become preachers. One day she announced that Theodore Borrel was going to become a minister and asked Kenneth why he didn't want to become one. Shortly after, two of Theodore's…
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