Kenneth's letter tells of the family's excitment when he returned from a two-month tour. The Landons received Christmas gifts from Evangeline and her husband, Evan; very valuable and lovely gifts that the Landons could not afford.
Dr. Bulkley had a passion for animals. He really wanted to be a doctor for animals, not human beings. Kenneth tells the story of his first visit to the Bulkley's house. He noticed many tiger skulls sorted from smallest to biggest. He hunted them…
Kenneth talks about Bill, who injured his knees and had recovered, and who was bossing the servants. He also talks about Peggy, who couldn't play rough like Bill, but just loved when her father played with her.
Kenneth and Margaret went to talk with missionaries from Siam to prepare for their assignment. With Kenneth, Jr. they discuss missionary training and new ideas in preparing missionaries
Margaret remembers Kenneth and his father very well dressed the first time she met him in the registrar's office. She talked to Kenneth that night at a reception at the McShane, and he made a favorable impression on her. But that was it; they didn't…
Both Kenneth and Margaret were very happy with the wedding. Margaret tells about how her sisters and mother were dressed for the wedding. She reads a letter from Kenneth's mother to Margaret's mother, a very nice letter.
One night Kenneth woke up suddenly and heard two men walking by and talking about him. One urged the other to come listen to Kenneth's preaching because it might be true and they needed to know.
At Thanksgiving the mission meetings opened and usually last for six or seven days. Kenneth was elected recording clerk of those meetings, a hard job. In the midst of this he took his third year language exam.
Kru Tim was a teacher at the school who had gone insane. She was dismissed from the school but later came back, claiming she was well. She toured the town in taxis and followed young men. There were rumors that Nai Nong, an evangelist from Bangkok…
Margaret recalls how Kenneth was ill in Chong. He had one of those violent episodes of stomach problems that started while he was in seminary. Margaret had to rush him to the hospital that was 12 miles away. The road was barely wide enough for one…
Margaret reads about a letter concerning Kenneth and the inspiration he had given to the Buddhist priests. The Lord Lieutenant had studied him in detail and wanted the Buddhist priests to learn from Kenneth in their own religious endeavors. He held a…
Kenneth dated Zoe Landon and Isabel Mann before he started dating Margaret. Both Kenneth and Margaret recall their first signficant date. Kenneth had invited Margaret to the annual Baltonians' banquet, where he was the program chair.
Margaret reads the first letter she received from Kenneth, wishing her Merry Christmas. It was a very brief note, written on "the most beautiful letter paper" Margaret ever had in her whole life.
Each literary society had a well furnished room for its meetings and there were no other events scheduled on Friday nights. Both Kenneth and Margaret share memories of their activities at the literary societies
Kenneth bought an engagement ring for Margaret with the money he got from tips while working at Mrs. Rodin's restaurant. He remembers Margaret putting off their engagement and marriage project. Both wonder if Margaret was afraid, especially because…
Wheaton English professor Elise Dow made a strong impression on Kenneth. He considers her to be the only professor at Wheaton that he truly enjoyed studying under. Kenneth and Margaret recall her as being far beyond the other professors
Kenneth and Margaret arrived in Princeton and drove through the city, proudly admiring its beautiful streets, with their truck full of baggage. Kenneth couldn't believe how much stuff Margaret owned.
Margaret reads Kenneth's letter to her mother about describing their first Christmas together, the gifts, and the atmosphere. She also reads a letter from her mother explaining their celebration of Christmas without Margaret.
Kenneth and Margaret entertained the clique, a group of young people that Kenneth had organized. Kenneth and Margaret tell about the sermon contest at Princeton that all students had to participate in before the faculty. Kenneth didn't know he was in…
Kenneth tells how he asked Margaret to marry him back in 1924. Kenneth was working at a restaurant and was saving money to buy an engagement ring for Margaret. He bought an expensive ring, but the problem was that Margaret didn't seem to want to be…
Kenneth was in Ron Phiboon, a mine town. He expected to meet Margaret there from India. He got a new friend, a puppy named Suzy. He wanted to give it to the children for Christmas. It was a tiny puppy that looked like a lion, and people were leery of…
Margaret and Mrs. Bulkley visit an old Buddhist temple in Nakhon and did some sightseeing. The temple was beautiful and supposedly contained relics of the Buddha. Margaret further describes the temple and its surroundings. The history of the temple…
Kenneth could visit people in the country about once a year, and the postal system was reliable. He decided to start "epistolary evangelism" and wrote letters to the people he visited and other interested persons. This allowed him to keep in touch…
A.D. is remembered as very nervous, reserved, and cold. He would hide in his room to weep, trying very hard not to visit his health problems on the family. Margaret tells about his opposition for an opportunity she had to win a scholarship.