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Margaret's scarlet fever a second time, one year after the first one, and this time it was worse. She was treated just in time, but she became completely deaf in her right ear. Her hearing in the left ear, though, was so acute throughout her…

An incident with Mrs. Rosing that Margaret's mother never forgot. Shortly after Margaret and Evangeline recovered from their sickness Mrs. Rosing saw them coming down the street wih their mother. Thinking that they were contaminated, she hurried to…

At age three Margaret had an ear infection and went through an operation safely. Grandfather Laurids learned about it and sent a note to greet the family. It was nicely written but not so comforting. Other letters from other relatives were warmer.

Margaret's earliest memory is of no significance but quite vivid. She recalls that at eighteen months old she was standing at a door looking in, with a window to her left, and before the window was a table with a red-check cloth on it. She was…

A.D. took a job in Chicago for additional income to support his family. He later found a house in Evanston and the family was able to move to the city. In 1969 Margaret and Kenneth visited the house and photographed it.

By February 1905 the Mortensons had moved to 1642 Washington Ave., Racine. Margaret and Kenneth visited the area and discovered that Washington Avenue was largely commercial. but 1642 was still there. That house is where Evangeline was born.

Margaret was born very early in the morning, and her parents were choosing names for their meaning. Her name, Margaret, means pearl. Dorothea means "a gift of God." Julia (which means "soft hair") was named after the girl's grandmother and her…

At the end of the winter the Mortensons found it difficult to continue to stay in Somers, especially for A.D. to be going back and forth in the cold weather, so before the fall they moved to Racine, Wisconsin, and they stayed at 1741 Villa St. In…

Margaret was born in the house at 8412 Highway, Somers, WI, on Sept. 7, 1903. It was in a tiny room , perhaps ten feet by ten. She stayed there with her parents, Adelle and A.D. through the winter.

Margaret's birth certificate was registered in Kenosha County. When she went to Siam with Kenneth in 1927 she had to send for her birth certificate. It was then that she discovered that it read "Female Mortenson." Adelle had to go to the Wheaton…

Margaret's father's funeral was held in Uncle Chris' house in Racine, Wisconsin. The burial was in Oakwood cemetery in Somers, Wisc., where several family members had been buried. Later in 1953 Margaret's mother Adelle had A.D.'s body moved to…

Margaret recalls the last summer of her dad's life. It was a happy summer because of an evangelistic tour he had with Mr. Park in Michigan. He died suddenly, while the rest of the family was in Stony Lake. He was burried in Somers, Winsconsin.

A.D. is remembered as very nervous, reserved, and cold. He would hide in his room to weep, trying very hard not to visit his health problems on the family. Margaret tells about his opposition for an opportunity she had to win a scholarship.

Grandmother Mortenson was very active in the church. Margaret remembers her as a very warm person with little education. She died the summer of the Mortensons' trip to Stony Lake.

Margaret tells stories about her mother's childhood. She went to a German school when she lived in Franksville. In Somers, she had a friend, a half Indian girl with a European father, who had been rejected by her tribe. That girl was Adelle's best…

Margaret digresses from the main story to tell of the time when Adelle, in her old age, had to move in with her daughter Betty.Adelleᅠhad only a small pension form Wheaton College, and when her sight began to fail it was clear that she could not…

Margaret tells about the first time her mother Adelle saw a motorcar. It was in Racine, and the whole town had rushed into the street to see it. When it came a woman was riding it gaily.ᅠAdelleᅠwas disgusted to see it, because no respectable girl had…

The newlyweds, Adelle and A.D. stayed at the Mortensens' house in Somers, WI, and A.D. had to bike to Racine for work. He had a special bike with a flanged wheel that he could ride on the railroad track into Racine, a distance of about ten miles.ᅠ

Adelle and A.D. got engaged in 1901 and married in 1902. Adelle wore a handmade dress andᅠA.D.ᅠa cutaway. They had a very modest wedding, with very few people attending. They lived in Somers, Wisconsin.

Adelle liked keeping little souvenirs, like a ball of homespun yarn kept in a little bag and a note that said it was a yarn spun by her mother. She also kept souvenirs of her recreational moments, like the program of one of her quartet's song…

Thorina Chrisina married in 1876 and migrated to the US in 1883 with her two children and her mother, following the death of her husband and one of her children. They settled in Racine and Trine invested money in the business of her brother, Laurids,…

The parents of Margaret's mother, Adelle, came from Norway to Wisconsin, where Adelle was born in 1877. The family later moved to Minnesota for farming, and then back to Wisconsin (in the Kenosha area). Adelle went to school and had excellent…

Maragret's father, Annenus Duabus Mortenson (A. D.), was born April 7, 1875. He started working very early to support the family because his father was preoccupied by his inventions and travels. A.D. may have not finished high school, but he was an…

Margaret's grandmother Dorthea Bergersdatter came from Norway and settled in Chicago, staying with the Bassett family. She had a beautiful soprano voice. She attended a small Scandinavian church in Evanston, IL, where she met Margaret's grandfather.…

Margaret tells about her family and describes their physical characteristics. She begins with her grandfather, Laurids Jurgen Moeller Mortenson, from Denmark. He managed to come to the US and attended Garrett Biblical Institute. Upon graduation he…
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