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  • Tags: Kenneth Landon in Siam 1927-1950

Kenneth describes a normal day for the Landons at the beginning of their missionary life. They would wake up at 6:30, exercise, have breakfast, wash and play with baby Peggy, spend the rest of the morning studying Thai, have lunch, and go to school…

Kenneth reads a letter to his mother about Peggy's birth and his mother's health. He wrote to her, "I can tell from your letters, Mother, that you do not feel sure of seeing me again in life here."

Al Seigle and Kenneth went to register Peggy's birth both at the American Legation and the local police station. Both men did not speak Thai, and the police officers did not speak English, but they were able to communicate about the registration of a…

Kenneth attended a civil Chinese wedding. Mrs. Seigle played the wedding march. It was quite a feast, with plenty of food that Kenneth enjoyed. The heat in Thailand was affecting him: he had gone from 140 to 131 pounds since arriving there.

Kenneth began taking long evening walks. He was getting used to walking several miles at the time, seeing but Siamese and Chinese, visiting shops, and talking with people. This gave him an opportunity for street evangelism.

Kenneth played basketball with a group of young Siamese boys. He had a good time with them and the leader of the group offered him some tekal buttons, the real, old-fashioned ones.

Kenneth and Margaret had dinner with a family named Elder. After dinner, as he was turning the car the wires on his horn broke and almost immediately were on fire. Kenneth got a few burns but the car was fine. This was a miracle. 

The very next day after he arrived in Bangkok, Kenneth began taking steps toward getting a driver's license. 

Brad was most alarmed when Kenneth retired from the mission field. He thought Kenneth and his family were going to come back and be a charge on him. He was planning to sell the house and prevent that from happening. This, of course, was the last…
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