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Kenneth received a letter from a French scholar who was writing his dissertation at the University of Paris, asking if Kenneth could provide him with copies of the economic plan and other documents. Kenneth sent him the documents and the scholar's…

In March of 1942 Kenneth delivered the Taft lectures at Cincinnati. That was his beginning as a professor of Oriental philosophy. The event was stimulated by the course in Chinese philosophy that he had presented at Earlham. The lectures were…

Kenneth delivered another set of lectures on Oriental philosophy at Yale University. This, along with the Taft lectures, drew the attention of the editor of The Journal of Philosophy at Columbia University, who made Kenneth his principal reviewer on…

Kenneth had one further temptation to leave government when, in 1947, Chicago University invited him to deliver the Haskell lectures in comparative religion. These were the most prestigious lectures in religion in the United States. This, however,…

Kenneth wrote a pamphlet on nationalist movements in Southeast Asia for the American Council of Learned Societies. Initially it was published in a learned journal, and  the Council paid the journal for copies of the article, which it then…

Kenneth was standing in line for more than an hour to get his car checked. The car passed the inspection and the man who was supposed to change the sticker on the windshield just ignored him. Kenneth pulled out a book and started reading, completely…

Kenneth and Margaret were awoken one night by a call from the security system office, saying that the alarm had gone off twice (though the Landons couldn't hear any alarm sound). Kenneth got up, took his weapon, went downstairs and this time he…

Margaret recalls visiting (with Kenneth) the house in which she was born and raised, at 8412 Highway E, Somers, Wisconsin. The house was altered and enlarged, but the room she was born in was still there. They had tea with Mrs. Tabbert, the wife of…

Kenneth and Margaret make final remarks on the taping. They thank Kip for doing the recordings. Kenneth says "thank you" in Thai, and states that they have great appreciation for the records.

Kenneth tells of his start in bread making. He tells of his rye recipe, which given by Betty Bond. His first batch of bread was resulted from his inquiring to Margaret on how to make it--alarmed, she merely handed him the cook book. Kenneth later…

Kenneth tells of his encounter with Winnie Cobey. Winnie brought him a recipe book from a monastery in California. Included in this book was a far superior bread recipe, which he started to use. Kenneth's interest in cooking picked up as Margaret's…

Kenneth and Margaret recount the story of the Madonna and child statue. They wanted the statue to be quite elaborate, and through some trouble and climbing found a man to do the job. The statue was to be of high quality marble, and the sculptor…

Kenneth discusses the third day of the Country Team Seminar. He discusses the students milling around the library, gazing at various materials. He describes the kind of officials in the program. He also explains the seminar to Murry Marder.

Kenneth gives a detailed description of the fourth day of the Seminar. He describes his daily routine, involving introducing speakers, a staff meeting, and other meetings he might have. 

Kenneth gives a detailed description of the fifth day of the seminar. He explains that he has a new librarian, Miss Idol. He also discusses the rapid growth of the library due to requests for documents. He tells his father's chicken story. Word also…

Kenneth gives a detailed description of days during the Country Team Seminar. He discusses ways of improving the course, including time he spent with experts making sure he had the materials necessary for those in the course to study. He also details…

Kenneth came in at 8:00 to find many members already at work, studying materials in the library, which was growing daily. Kenneth tells of Walt Rostow and Attorney General Robert Kennedy who would be coming in the next day. Kenneth also received the…

Kenneth gives a detailed account of the end of the second week in the Seminar. Walt Rostow and the Attorney General both came this day. Kenneth spent some time talking with men from MIT. Kenneth is working on preparing materials for Africa and the…

Kenneth recounts Martin MacLachlan speaking during the seminar. MacLachlan spoke of the youth movements happening around the world, and was incredibly knowledgeable on the subject. He joined one of the seminar groups in working on their current…

Kenneth gives an account of the third week of the Country Team Seminar. Walt Rostow lectured in the morning session. There was also to be a party a few weeks later, and many seminar members signed up to attend. The afternoon lecture was given by…

Kenneth tells of the latter part of the Country Team Seminar. He, as part of running the seminar, has some housekeeping to do with dealing with staff and scheduling lecturers. General Maxwell Taylor, special assistant to the President, was to be…

Kenneth tells a story he heard General Krulak tell the session before. He describes the big day in which General Taylor and Deputy Undersecretary Johnson would be coming to the seminar. The course was described as monitored by the President, and was…

Kenneth discusses the fourth week of the Country Team Seminar. The groups for Southeast Asia and Latin America divided, both focusing on their respective areas. The main speaker was Professor Russell H. Fifield from the University of Michigan.…

Kenneth gives an account of the Country Team Seminar visiting the White House and meeting the President of the United States. this was a grand time for them, and the President received them quite well. The class was quite enthusiastic about the…

Kenneth describes a few days after the encounter with the President. He tells of the event being recorded in a newspaper and his hopes of distributing pictures to all of the members of the seminar. He goes on to describe the bond which the members…
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