Margaret tells of hospitality at the Mortensons. There was always someone living at their home for a year, or two, or more. That was normal and had become part of their life.
Lois invited Margaret to spend the night over at her family's home. She got there just in time for dinner, after which they went out with the intention to see a professor but instead were joined by a group of boys with whom they spent the evening…
It was easy to make friends and there was so much going on. One night Margaret heard music outside just as she was ready to go to bed, and her friend Muriel urged her to come out. There was a group of boys serenading them that night.
Margaret tells about her friendship with Lois McShane and the group of close friends that formed around them. She recalls their parties and other get-togethers/events. Some of the boys in the group dated Margaret.
Margaret recalls her beginnings at Wheaton, the first people she met, her first impressions of the campus, registration and classes she took, and the network of friends that began to shape.
Margaret recalls her parents' decision to send her to Wheaton much against her will. The bribe was a second summer to the girls' camp, which cost pretty much the same as attending Wheaton. The only other pleasant experience was her meeting in later…
Margaret was invited to share the room of the junior girls she had met in the late summer because one of them wasn't coming back to Wheaton. This was a tremendous piece of luck to have a junior's room.
Margaret's desire was to go to Vassar for college. Her parents decided that she should go to Wheaton, so they took her to visit there. To convince her, Margaret's parents bargained with her that she could go to the girls' summer camp again if she…
Margaret goes over Moroseness family history, telling of her grandfather who emigrated to this country, and of how her father took on the responsibilities for his family when he was twelve. Grandfather had invented, among other things, a…
Kenneth gives an account of a conversation he had with Mrs. and Mr. True. Mrs. True was going on about the merits of Harvard, but Kenneth stood up for his son, Kip, who was attending Wheaton. Mrs. True argued that Harvard was significantly more…
Kenneth details the loyalty of his employees. Eleanor Idol, the librarian, and Bob Bazell, Kenneth's right hand man in administration, both said that they loved working with Kenneth. They explained to him that they wanted to continue working with him…
Kenneth discusses a conversation he had with Colonel Charles Hostler. Hostler was explaining to Kenneth that he brought his own destruction by not complying with the military. Kenneth told Hostler that he was quite satifsfied and proud of the job he…
Kenneth discusses the Country Team Seminar. Abe Moses was to examine the course and Kenneth, as he was instructed to find something worthy of removing Kenneth from his position. After a thorough investigation, Moses found the course to be most…
Kenneth goes to great lengths detailing his various reflections on the Country Team Seminar. Altogether, there were four five-week sessions and one instructors' course which was two weeks in length. There were 277 members to go through the program,…
Kenneth discusses the end of the course. He describes the last two days as the best in the course--these were the days the seminar groups gave their presentations, and he found them to be extraordinarily professional. He was particularly impressed by…
Kenneth goes into detail on the last day before the seminar teams would give their presentations. They had all worked quite hard, and were putting in many hour to make their presentations completely professional in quality. This was also the first…
Kenneth describes a few days after the encounter with the President. He tells of the event being recorded in a newspaper and his hopes of distributing pictures to all of the members of the seminar. He goes on to describe the bond which the members…
Kenneth gives an account of the Country Team Seminar visiting the White House and meeting the President of the United States. this was a grand time for them, and the President received them quite well. The class was quite enthusiastic about the…
Kenneth discusses the fourth week of the Country Team Seminar. The groups for Southeast Asia and Latin America divided, both focusing on their respective areas. The main speaker was Professor Russell H. Fifield from the University of Michigan.…
Kenneth tells a story he heard General Krulak tell the session before. He describes the big day in which General Taylor and Deputy Undersecretary Johnson would be coming to the seminar. The course was described as monitored by the President, and was…
Kenneth tells of the latter part of the Country Team Seminar. He, as part of running the seminar, has some housekeeping to do with dealing with staff and scheduling lecturers. General Maxwell Taylor, special assistant to the President, was to be…
Kenneth gives an account of the third week of the Country Team Seminar. Walt Rostow lectured in the morning session. There was also to be a party a few weeks later, and many seminar members signed up to attend. The afternoon lecture was given by…
Kenneth recounts Martin MacLachlan speaking during the seminar. MacLachlan spoke of the youth movements happening around the world, and was incredibly knowledgeable on the subject. He joined one of the seminar groups in working on their current…
Kenneth gives a detailed account of the end of the second week in the Seminar. Walt Rostow and the Attorney General both came this day. Kenneth spent some time talking with men from MIT. Kenneth is working on preparing materials for Africa and the…
Kenneth came in at 8:00 to find many members already at work, studying materials in the library, which was growing daily. Kenneth tells of Walt Rostow and Attorney General Robert Kennedy who would be coming in the next day. Kenneth also received the…