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Margaret recalls transportation in her childhood, how easy it was to travel around in the city and its neighboring towns because streetcars were everywhere. She tells about the shops on Central Street near the railroad station. The annual income of…

Kenneth had had so much elementary practical chemistry at Cincinnati that he felt like it was kid stuff (he had worked for so long at the Erie Railroad and knew far more chemistry than what he was studying in college). He became careless about this…

Kenneth speaks of the disturbance in China that started in March of 1927 and filled the country. It was a civil war between the Kuomingtang forces of Chiang Kai Shek and the various warlords of the country. It has been a guerrilla area ever since.

While at Princeton Kenneth met a missionary called Van Ness. He tells how the preaching of this missionary urged him again for mission. Kenneth then met with Mr. Speer the next week in New York to discuss his desire to go to the mission field.

Kenneth tells the story of his gold ring with the two diamonds and how his grandfather first owned and used it.

Margaret reads a letter from Adelle describing the mess in the home as people were working on preparation for the wedding (painting, etc.). The letter discussed several plans and arrangements for the wedding and the bridesmaids' dresses.

More on wedding plans: evening or afternoon, decoration of the church, ushers, cost of invitation, bridesmaids. Elliot Coleman, the poet who later would found the Writing Seminar at Johns Hopkins University, was the organist of the wedding.

Margaret told Muriel detailed information about the wedding and she went out to tell the town, at Margaret's disappointment. Muriel wouldn't also welcome any suggestion about choosing the color of her bridesmaid costume.

Kenneth worked for a neighbor called Lottie Price and got ice cream or a nickel. He would also go to Mister Griffith's store and beg him for sour balls. 

Kenneth grew up thinking that the most respectable people in town were Presbyterian and Republican, until he went to Washington D.C., where he discovered that the best people were often Democrats and from other denominations.

One night, Will purchased tickets to a play, Anne of a Thousand Days, starring Rex Harrison and Lili Palmer, and took his boss from the Department of Commerce in Washington to see it. After the play, Will took his card—a formal calling card Margaret…

Kenneth tells about his father's love for his wife (Kenneth's mother) and intimacy problems in their marriage.

Kenneth tells about his father's courtship with Mae, how he had a problem falling asleep unexpectedly and how he used whiskey to stay awake. Mae eventually referred him to a doctor for treatment.

Bradley Landon was born on October 20, 1899. He was a ten-pound baby and he grew to be a very strong, handsome boy. He had a hot temper and would become very angry at people. He never was good with girls, so when he met Kathryn Lehrer Lindner he…

Kenneth recalls the life of his father, Bradley William Landon his birth, youth, and physical appearance. He was a very influential person in the Erie Railroad and a very brilliant chemist, well-known throughout the United States. He tells of the…

Kenneth learned to skate in the severe winters at an early age, at times up to twelve miles. By age fifteen he was part of an excellent hockey team and would go to other towns, including Winniped, to play. He never was able to play school sports…
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