Kenneth bought an old flute, repaired it and learned to play on his own. He went on to learn to play several other musical instruments and later on bought a new flute, which he had to sell during his unemployment years in the 1930s. He never went…
Kenneth recalls his mother's visit while he was in Princeton. He tells about their visit to his church and time together around the time and their trip to New York. From there she was to catch a train back home.
Kenneth remembers a mishap in his performance at the Beltonian banquet when he and another fellow forgot the same word on the same note twice. People thought they had done it on purpose, and that they were pretending they had forgotten.
Kenneth was called in to New York in April for further examination because the doctor suspected a heart problem. The heart specialist cleared him, but the mission board doctor remained skeptical. Finally, after a long interview, the doctor…
Kenneth's letters to Margaret in the summer of 1924 were full of news about his mother and father's relationship getting better, in part because of Kenneth's decision to become a minister. He wrote about his desire to go to Princeton. Kenneth talked…
Kenneth preached his last Sunday at Columbus. He only had his final Bible conference to do before leaving for Siam. He talks about his travel arrangements, the shipment of his car to Siam, and his travel expenses.
Kenneth had only two more Sundays to preach in Columbus, and the news of his departure felt like there was a funeral going on. The feeling, says Kenneth, was mutual. Yet, "I can surely look back on my first church with satisfaction and peace in my…
Kenneth reads his letter to Margaret about his final exams and the Bible conference. He studied about 24 hours a day for his exams. He was so tired and slept a lot after the exams were over.
Kenneth tells about his infancy, how his Irish nurse would put whiskey in his milk to help him digest what he believes he could not disgest otherwise, and how his mother, on learning this, promptly fired the nurse.
Kenneth tells the story of his brother, Bradley, starting his "business" manufacturing ATV and hiring Kenneth (who thus got his first job) to do advertising work for him. Kenneth addressed up to 10,000 circulars while working from a phonebook. He…
Kenneth's first funeral at the Deacons' was a big one, with crowds of people coming from all over Pennsylvania. It was all new to him, but he made no mistakes, even at the grave.
Kenneth recalls his first visit to the dentist. It was for an extensive work including multiple teeth removal and filings. The dentist wouldn't tell Kenneth, who was 7 or 8 at the time, what he was going to do, so Kenneth refused to cooperate. They…
Kenneth on his first encounter with graft and corruption. He was about 11 years old and went with Jimmy, a 15 years old, to a movie. The girl that was selling the tickets liked Jimmy and so gave them two tickets before she turned around to take them…
Kenneth recalls his first day at the church in Columbus, NJ. He describes the church building and its people. He comments on the order of service on this first day. He went in the evening for service at another church.
Kenneth purchased his first car, a Ford, at the end of his first year at Princeton Theological Seminary. He later bought another car, which he shipped to Bangkok on the mission field. This car would be sold at the end of their first term when they…
Kenneth tells about his last year at Princeton, his studies, his church, his plans to go into missions, and his new wife. It was a great year in his life. He tells how they learned that Margaret was pregnant, another great event.
Kenneth recalls his father's first car, how his father started driving before being told how to stop the car and had to drive round and round for hours until he ran out of gas. He eventually learned to drive and fell in the practice of buying a new…
After the death of brother Bradley, father Brad began taking the family to Gull Lake for Bible conferences. The deal was that he would take them there and give them a vacation if they would agree to attend one of the services. Kenneth always attended…
Kenneth's father was of puritan congregational background. He rarely gave presents to his children, not even at Christmas (which he did not believe in). Kenneth tells about his shock when, following his marriage he discovered that his wife's…
The Landons' moved to Randolph St. when Kenneth was about seven and a half years old. He was playing baseball and later began to run into gang battles.
The Landons move to Baldwin St., where at age 6 or 7 Kenneth met a girl named Jean Kitchen, whom he refers to as his first great female love, and was pleased to play with her.
Kenneth describes the first in a series of evangelistic meetings he organized. He tells of how people responded to his first night meeting. Evangelist Dad Hall got sick and Kenneth had to ask Chris Jensen, a man he picked on campus, to take over.…
Kenneth took a job at Erie Railroad at about age fourteen. His could have been turned down because of his weak physical appearance, but because Brad was his father the foreman took him on. Kenneth recalls working in the storehouse, driving truck.